

The Health Benefits Of Drinking Coffee

By Medical Expert Team

Feb 27 , 2024 | 8 min read


Coffee is more than just a beverage. It is associated with culture and heritage. There is something about these roasted and ground coffee beans that create magic when brewed with boiling water or milk.

However, are there any benefits of coffee consumption? There have been mixed opinions on this. Moderate daily consumption of coffee definitely has several health benefits. With numerous bioactive compounds and therapeutic antioxidants, coffee has proven to be a relatively healthy beverage.

Most studies regarding the benefits of coffee depend on observational data. According to research, drinking two or three cups of coffee daily can lower the risks of many chronic diseases.

Top health benefits of drinking coffee:

  1. Increased lifespan
  2. Improved glucose processing
  3. Lower risk of Parkinson's disease
  4. Reduced chance of heart failure
  5. Liver support
  6. Decreased stroke risk
  7. DNA strength
  8. Lower odds of colon cancer
  9. Decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease

However, while coffee's role in boosting energy, enhancing brain function, and its potential in reducing the risk of certain diseases like type 2 diabetes, depression, and some cancers is supported by some studies, they are not conclusively proven, and individual responses to coffee can vary. Hence individuals with chronic conditions should always consult with their treating physician before adding coffee to their diet.

This article explores the favourable impact of coffee on health and the risk factors one should be aware of.

A Guide To The Health Advantages of Coffee:

Coffee is derived from plants and hence can safely be called a plant food. Besides caffeine, there are several phenolic phytochemicals present in coffee beans that lend it its health-promoting features. Since plant foods like berries, beetroot and cocoa contain similar compounds, coffee also follows the same molecular pathway for improving health. The following sections explain the health benefits of coffee in detail.

How Coffee Boosts Your Energy Naturally:

Low to moderate doses of coffee increase alertness and energy levels. Caffeine, the stimulant present in coffee, blocks some brain receptors associated with sleep and other cognitive functions. This phenomenon temporarily shuts off fatigue.

Role Of Coffee in Reducing Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Studies have shown that individuals drinking four to five cups of coffee daily had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Coffee consumption prevents the deterioration of liver and beta cell (pancreatic cells producing insulin) function, improving insulin resistance. Filtered and decaffeinated coffee is the preferred option. Having said that, individual tolerance to the beverage may vary, hence people should consult with diabetes doctors before including coffee in their diet.

Coffee'S Effects on Brain Function and Aging

Some research studies have established the link of coffee consumption with the prevention of cognitive decline and improved brain function, such as enhanced short-term alertness, enabling the brain to assimilate more information. Dark roasted coffee, both decaf and regular, has protective effects on the brain. However, more research is necessary to discover the exact mechanisms of this process.

Harnessing Coffee For Natural Weight Loss And Metabolism

Moderate caffeine intake promotes fat oxidation and thermogenesis, thus helping to prevent obesity. It does wonders for reducing BMI and body fat too. Increased metabolism because of coffee consumption helps individuals burn more calories faster.

Linked To A Lower Risk Of Depression

Studies have shown that people drinking a few cups of coffee daily are significantly happier than those who do not consume coffee at all. Moderate caffeine amounts improve psychomotor activity and stimulate the central nervous system. It is also linked with increased dopamine release, lowering the chances of depression.

Improving Glucose Processing

The phenolic compounds like chlorogenic acids found in coffee improve glucose metabolism. Studies have shown that coffee consumption boosts glycaemic and insulin responses in the long run.

Limiting Chances Of Heart Failure And Stroke

The relationship between coffee consumption and heart health is complex and research has shown mixed results. While some studies have found an association with reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, others have found neutral or even adverse effects with high consumption

Decreasing The Likelihood Of Parkinson'S Disease And Alzheimer'S Disease

Coffee reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Certain fatty acids in coffee provide biochemical protective mechanisms against these diseases, preventing them by a margin.

Decreasing The Odds Of Getting Colon Cancer

There is some evidence that coffee may be linked to a lower risk of certain types of cancer, including melanoma and colorectal cancer.

Controlling Parkinson'S Disease Symptoms

For someone already diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, the benefits of coffee consumption can be manifold. According to research, caffeine can help with controlling movement symptoms and other motor and non-motor functions.

Preventing Liver Diseases

The benefits of coffee consumption extend to improving liver function. Drinking coffee may lower the incidence of liver disease in individuals. The antioxidants in coffee reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines, preventing fatty liver.

Nutritional Value

Being rich in vitamin B, antioxidants, phenolic compounds and certain minerals like magnesium and potassium, coffee is a healthy beverage. Moderate coffee consumption can boost overall nutrition by fighting cell damage and reducing the risk of developing chronic illnesses. Regular black coffee is low in calories. The addition of cream, sugar and milk increases the calorific value.

Reducing Melanoma Risk

Melanoma is the cancer of melanocytes (cells producing skin pigments). According to research, caffeine suppresses UV radiation-induced carcinogenesis (production of cancerous cells). It reduces the risks of melanoma by inhibiting the growth of more harmful cells. The phenolic and antioxidant compounds in coffee affect the molecular pathways to reduce the risk of UV-related skin cancer and malignant melanoma.

How Much Coffee is Safe for Women to Drink Each Day?

A healthy adult woman, just like an adult man, can safely consume around three to four cups of coffee (roughly 400 mg) in a day. However, it depends on the body's sensitivity to caffeine. Therefore, it is always better to consult the dietician in case of doubts.

The equation changes if the woman is pregnant, breastfeeding or experiencing menopause. In such cases, lower caffeine consumption is desirable to prevent hormonal interference. Certain observational studies have linked an increased risk of osteoporotic fractures among coffee-drinking women compared to men. Postmenopausal women with lesser calcium intake are prone to fractures, especially if they are regular caffeine consumers.

Risks Of Drinking A Lot Of Coffee

Too much of a good thing can be harmful. If the coffee intake exceeds the limit, the dangers associated will outweigh the benefits of coffee on health. Genes play a significant role here. Some individuals have more caffeine tolerance than others because of their genetic makeup. Others may present the adverse effects sooner. Here are some risks related to the over-consumption of coffee.

Bone Fractures

Some studies have shown a potential association between caffeine intake and reduced bone mineral density. Caffeine may increase calcium excretion through urine. It inhibits bone formation and increases the risk of fractures.

Complications During Pregnancy

Pregnant women are advised against excessive consumption since caffeine causes constriction of blood vessels in the uterus and placenta. It may decrease the blood supply to the foetus. High caffeine levels may interfere with postmenopausal hormones too.


Caffeine is acidic and can irritate the stomach lining. High caffeine intake causes abdominal cramps and ulcers, aggravating endometriosis symptoms. It may also block the hormone functioning in the uterus, leading to blood vessel constriction and pain. Therefore, for a woman with endometriosis, coffee consumption should not exceed more than 200 mg a day.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Consuming too many caffeinated beverages can cause digestive issues, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Caffeine tends to relax the lower oesophageal sphincter, triggering acid reflux and heartburn.


Anxiety, headaches, palpitations and insomnia are some possible outcomes of excessive coffee consumption. Excessive caffeine in the bloodstream can trigger a fight-or-flight response and make one feel unusually jittery, triggering panic attacks.

Mental Health Conditions

Too much coffee in the system may lead to mental fatigue instead of alertness. Consuming more than five cups of coffee in a day causes caffeine intoxication. It may lead to eating or sleeping disorders, mania and even schizophrenia in severe cases.

Exposure to Toxic Ingredients

According to some toxicology reports, coffee contains ingredients causing blood toxicity in excessive doses. Caffeine intoxication may cause hypertension, stroke, seizure and heart attack.

In a Nutshell

Although it's important to note that much of the research on coffee and health is observational, which can show associations but not prove causation. Individual tolerance to caffeine can vary greatly, and the potential benefits and risks of coffee consumption can also be influenced by factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and overall diet.

It is interesting to note that non-coffee drinkers exposed to high caffeine doses can show strong counter-reactions to it. For regular coffee drinkers, excessive coffee consumption can be detrimental. The key is to find the right balance. Light to moderate consumption can help one reap the health benefits of coffee in the long run. Consuming moderate amounts of coffee can help protect against chronic diseases and boost overall metabolism and energy levels. After all, coffee has more to it than just recharging and jump starting an individual's morning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is It Good to Drink Coffee Every Day?

Moderate consumption of coffee daily can do wonders for one's health. The significant benefits of coffee drinking include stimulating the mind, boosting metabolism and improving overall health.

2. Is Coffee Good for The Skin?

Caffeine, the chief ingredient in coffee, contains antioxidants that slow down the skin's ageing process and boost collagen levels. It also protects the skin against harmful UV radiation. All this prevents premature ageing and imparts healthy, glowing skin. Applying coffee directly to the skin can decrease sun burns and fine lines and reduce inflammation.

3, Why Do People Drink Coffee?

Coffee contains caffeine, which is a well-known stimulant. Most people prefer coffee over other beverages as it effectively recharges and refreshes the mind and body. A cup of coffee jumpstarts the body's metabolism, improves productivity and imparts a general feel-good factor.

4. How Many Cups of Coffee a Day is Healthy?

Consuming three to four cups of coffee (not more than 400 mg) in a day is considered safe. One must also consider associated health conditions, such as pregnancy, diabetes or menopause and decide what suits them.

5. What are The Benefits of Black Coffee?

Black coffee (coffee minus additives like sugar, milk and cream) has the following health benefits:

  • It is effective for weight loss.
  • It decreases the risks of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
  • It is more flavourful.
  • It contains far lesser calories than milk coffee.

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Medical Expert Team