

Centre for Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant

Bone Marrow Transplant Hospital in Mumbai, India


The Centre for Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant in Mumbai is an integral part of Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital - one of India’s largest, private sectors, quaternary care hospitals. The centre aims to provide easy access to Bone Marrow transplants as a possible cure for patients with complex blood disorders.

Our dedicated and internationally recognised transplant specialists embrace the values of innovation, collaboration, confidentiality, empathy, integrity, and focus on providing comprehensive care to all patients. We have a combined experience of performing hundreds of transplants successfully for patients coming from all across the globe. 

Our team of professional experts follow a multidisciplinary approach to treat patients with cancer or blood diseases such as leukaemia, Lymphoma, myeloma, and other blood disorders requiring a transplant. We aim at providing each patient (whether an adult or paediatric patient) with a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet their unique, changing needs– before, during, and after the transplant. 

State-Of-The-Art Infrastructure:

The Centre is equipped with ultra-modern infrastructure and a team of highly experienced, internationally trained specialists. It is supported by state-of-the-art transfusion services and advanced laboratories, along with a fully-equipped Radiation Oncology unit. We are also an authorised stem cell collection centre for DATRI Blood Stem Cell Donor`s Registry.

Centre’s Key Features Include:

  • 6-bed state-of-the-art unit - one of the biggest and one-of-its-kind in the city of Mumbai
  • 24X7 Advanced Critical  Care Services 
  • Large spacious transplant suit room with positive pressure ventilation and HEPA filter
  • Adult and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit with isolation beds
  • Daycare facility for outpatient
  • Chemotherapy / Immunotherapy / Blood Transfusion
  • Endoscopy / Bronchoscopy / Dialysis unit available
  • Chemotherapy / Immunotherapy/Blood Transfusion
  • Endoscopy/Bronchoscopy/Dialysis unit available
  • Transplants for infants, children, adults, and elderly

Department Of Transfusion Medicine

  • Round-the-clock service for blood components including platelet aphorises
  • NAT-tested blood components
  • Stem cell unit for peripheral stem cell harvesting and bone marrow processing and stem cell preservation (cryopreservation)
  • Gamma Irradiator

Laboratory Services Offered:

  • Haematology and Flow Cytometry
  • HLA Testing
  • Microbiology
  • Drug Assays
  • Histopathology

A Full-Service Offering

The Centre for Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant diagnoses and treats a wide variety of blood disorders and blood cancers, which include all kinds of anaemia, marrow failure syndromes, coagulation disorders, acute and chronic leukaemia, myelomas, lymphomas, myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative disorders.

The full spectrum of facilities and services we offer include Allogeneic and  using bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cells, and cord blood stem cells for various benign and malignant disorders.

What is Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Or Bone Marrow Transplant?

A bone marrow transplant is a treatment performed to replace the unhealthy bone marrow of the patient with the healthy bone marrow cells. Bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cell harvesting is the first step towards bone marrow transplant treatments and stem cell therapies performed to treat patients suffering from various blood-related disorders such as leukaemia, lymphoma, and specific autoimmune disorders.

Bone marrow is a soft and spongy substance that is present between the inner cavities of bones, from where the blood is produced. There are several tiny spaces in the bone marrow that hold the primitive cells which are capable of growing into a different type of blood cells. These cells are called stem cells, which are capable of producing various kinds of blood cells, i.e. red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

In general, there are two types of bone marrow, red and yellow. Most of the bone marrow in kids is red marrow and rich in stem cells. However, in adolescents, owing to fat cell infiltration, a big part of the bone marrow is transformed into yellow marrow. In adolescents, red marrow is generally confined to a few bones, such as hip bones, breast bone, ribs, shoulder blades, skull, backbone, arm, and thigh ends.

Bone Marrow Transplant / Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Is Offered For:

Malignant Haematology

The detection of blood cancers and their treatment with chemotherapy and other modalities is required as per the case.

Benign Haematology- Benign Disorders Of Blood

  • Anemias - Nutritional and haemolytic
  • Thalassemia Major & Sickle Cell Disease
  • Aplastic Anaemia
  • Thrombocytopenias
  • Benign WBC Disorders
  • Immunodeficiency Disorders
  • Bleeding Disorders and Coagulation Disorders
  • Congenital and Paediatric Syndromes
  • Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease
  • Other states of bone marrow failure – PRCA, PNH, Fanconi`s Anemia
  • High - risk Neuroblastoma, Ewing Sarcoma & Medulloblastoma
  • Adrenoleucodystrophy
  • HLH - Both primary and secondary
  • Hurler Syndrome

Consultative Haematology

  • Deranged coagulation profile
  • Types of Cytopenia or Cytosis
  • Blood transfusion and Phlebotomies
  • Hemolytic Jaundice
  • Thrombosis at unusual sites or Inherited Thrombophilia

Types Of Bone Marrow Transplant

The Bone marrow transplant process may vary depending upon the types of donor and transplant procedures. Generally, there are two types of transplant processes:

  • Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant: In this process, the bone marrow or stem cells are harvested from the patient’s own body and frozen (cryopreserved) for future use. 
  • Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant: In this process, the bone marrow or stem cells are harvested from a donor’s body. A donor can be a relative usually a brother or sister or an unrelated donor whose bone marrow matches with the patient’s bone marrow and must be an HLA (Histocompatible Leukocyte antigen) match. In this type of transplant, the bone marrow is given to the patient on the very same day.

Types of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant:

  • HLA (Immune)-Match Related Donor (Siblings) Transplant:  The bone marrow or stem cells come from the relative of the patient, who is usually a sibling (brother or sister) who's HLA (Histocompatible Leukocyte antigen) matches completely with the patient.
  • HLA (Immune)-Matched Unrelated Donor Transplant: The bone marrow or stem cells come from the unrelated donor whose HLA (Histocompatible Leukocyte antigen) matches completely with the patient.
  • Haplo Identical Donor Transplant: The bone marrow or stem cells comes from HLA (Histocompatible Leukocyte antigen) half-matched (haplotype) donors such as biological parents of the patient or half-matched siblings.
  • Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant: Umbilical cord blood cells are collected from a newborn baby's umbilical cord right after birth. These stem cells are very immature so the need for perfect matching is eliminated. The stem cells collected from the cord are frozen and stored until they are used for a transplant.

After the harvest, the bone marrow or stem cells are filtered to remove fat or other particles and then taken to the laboratory for processing, after which they are counted, screened, and ready to infuse.

The type of transplant patient has to undergo depends upon the unique medical needs of the patient. A Hematologist will evaluate the patient’s medical condition and will suggest the treatment plan accordingly. The goal of a bone marrow transplant process is to treat a variety of blood disorders and certain types of cancer.

Bone Marrow Transplant Phases

BMT process consists of three main phases which include:

  • Phase 1: The Pre-BMT
  • Phase 2: Stem cell transfusion- Day
  • Phase 3: The Post-BMT

Bone Marrow Transplant Treatment Process

Here is all you need to know about your transplant journey. The guide is divided into six steps beginning from how to prepare for the journey and include what to expect along the way.

STEP 1: Preparation: The preparation stage starts when the patient arrives at the BMT Centre with medical assessment, guidance, informed consent and other preliminary activities start.

  • Beginning of medical Evaluation
  • Multidisciplinary treatment Modality
  • Central Venous Catheter Insertion

STEP 2: Bone-Marrow/Stem Cells Harvest: The stem cells are collected either from the bone marrow or peripheral blood by apheresis. In an allogeneic transplant, stem cells are collected from the donor and in case of an autologous transplant from the patient itself.

STEP 3: Conditioning: The first step towards transplantation starts with the conditioning stage. In this process, either chemotherapy or radiation therapy or a combination of both is given to the patient. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are given in doses that demolish the bone marrow function and result in the greatest possibility of destroying the disease. Some conditioning treatment may be administered in the outpatient environment depending on the chemotherapy agents and radiation therapy administration schedule, thus possibly shortening the inpatient stay. The preparation, stem cell harvest and conditioning all together comprises of the pre-BMT phase.

STEP 4: Transplant: In this stage, the infusion of donor bone marrow or stem cells takes place right after the conditioning regimen has been finished. This is similar to a blood transfusion. The duration beyond the transplant day is considered as the post BMT phase.

STEP 5: Waiting For Engraftment (New Cell Growth): This stage involves close monitoring, supporting therapy, and complications management while awaiting indications of grafting.

  • Close monitoring, support and protection
  • Management of complications especially infections

STEP 6: Engraftment And Early Recovery: Signs that fresh bone marrow or stem cells are grafting (growing and developing) can be anticipated in about 2 to 3 weeks after the transplantation. Close monitoring, supporting care will persist and preparation for the patient's return to home will start.

STEP 7: Long-Term Recovery: This stage involves the discharge of the patient from the centre, discussing any continuing clinical problems, and restoring patterns of life. Patients are advised to take regular follow-ups to avoid any long-term complications.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Bone Marrow Transplant?

A bone marrow transplant is a therapeutic procedure wherein damaged or unhealthy bone marrow is substituted with healthy bone marrow stem cells. This treatment addresses specific cancers, blood-related conditions, and certain immune disorders. The source of these remedial stem cells might be an external donor or could be harvested and reintroduced from the patient's own body.

2. What are The Different Types of Bone Marrow Transplants?

Different types of bone marrow transplants include:

Autologous transplants utilize the recipient's own stem cells.

Allogeneic transplants rely on stem cells from an external donor, like a close relative.

Syngeneic transplants are exclusive to identical twins, and this method employs stem cells from one twin for the other.

3. What is The Process of Bone Marrow Transplant?

Undergoing a bone marrow transplant involves a multi-stage process:

Preparation: Patients initially receive treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy to eliminate the resident bone marrow cells.

Transplantation: Healthy bone marrow stem cells are then intravenously infused. These cells navigate to the bone marrow and generate new blood cells.

4. What are The Potential Risks and Complications of a Bone Marrow Transplant?

While bone marrow transplant procedure has transformed numerous lives, like any other medical procedure, it involves some risks. Potential complications include infections, bleeding events, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), potential organ damage, and, in rare circumstances, mortality. It's crucial to understand that these risks also depend on individual health profiles, age, and other existing medical conditions.

5. How to Find The Best Bone Marrow Transplant Facility in Mumbai

Selecting a reputable hospital for a bone marrow transplant in Mumbai involves comprehensive research. One should always consider the institution's experience, track record, and patient outcomes. Prospective patients can review the hospital's website, watch patient testimonials, or directly contact the hospital for insights into their bone marrow transplant program.

Disease Management Group

Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation

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Nanavati Max Hospital is home to 350+ eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective fields. Additionally, they are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures.

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Nanavati Max Hospital is home to 350+ eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective fields. Additionally, they are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures.

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