

Best Hematologists in Mumbai, India

Dr. Balkrishna Padate


Centre for Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant, Autologous Stem Cell Transplant, Hemato-Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant, Nanavati Max Institute of Cancer Care, Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation, Allogeneic Transplant, Lymphoma Cancer Program, Autologous Transplant

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is a Haematologist?

A haematologist deals with disorders related to the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic system.

They specialize in pathology, a branch of science that studies body tissues and blood. Their field is vast, and they may work in hospitals, labs, blood banks, or clinics. For example, a haematologist that works in a lab is called a hematopathologist.

2. What Questions Should I Ask The Haematologist?

It is critical to know as much about your disorder as possible. Ask questions such as

  • The causes of the condition and which are more likely

  • How common the diagnosis is to compare the prognosis and treatment in different patients

  • The best treatment options, the success rate, cost, and potential side effects

  • The lifestyle changes to make to facilitate faster treatment.

3. Why Would a Physician Refer You to a Haematologist?

A general physician will refer you to the best haematologist in Mumbai for specialized diagnosis and treatment if they realize that you have:

4. What is The Distinction Between an Oncologist and a Haematologist?

An oncologist studies the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in all regions, including organs, muscles, and bones.

On the other hand, the best haematologist in Mumbai studies the diagnosis and treatment of blood-related illnesses.

These two specialists focus on different aspects but are connected by cancer-related blood complications. A haematology oncologist brings the two together and focuses on blood cancers like leukaemia, myeloma, and lymphoma.

5. What is The Most Common Haematology Test?

The most common haematology test is the complete blood count (CBC), which includes:

  • Your hematocrit red blood cell volume (HCT)

  • Red blood cell count (RBC)

  • The white blood cell count (WBC)

  • Hemoglobin concentration

  • Differential white blood cell count

  • Platelet total

  • Red blood cell indices

Other tests include the prothrombin time (PT), international normalized ratio (INR), and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) to diagnose and evaluate bleeding and clotting disorders.

6. What is The Normal Range for Haematology?

A complete blood count test measures the blood cells for diseases and monitors treatment and any side effects. The normal ranges for this test are:

Red blood cell count:

Adult: 3.92- 5.7M/mcL

White blood cell range:

Adult: 5,000-10,000/ mL

Platelet count normal range:

Adult: 150,000- 400,000/mL

Hemoglobin normal range:

Male: 13.0- 17.0 g)dL

Female: 11.5- 15.5 g/dL

Hematocrit normal range:

Male: 40-55%

Female: 36-48%

7. Why is Hemoglobin Important in Hematology?

Haemoglobin helps carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and carbon dioxide to the lungs for exhalation. In addition, this protein gives red blood cells their colour, and their high population gives blood its shade.

The haemoglobin count will indicate how efficiently your body carries out functions such as respiration and facilitates other organ functions. It will also indicate potential disorders such as anaemia.

8. Are Things Serious When I'm Referred to a Hematopathologist?

While you should not be too alarmed, the referral to a hematopathologist could signify a severe infection.

The best hematopathologist doctor in Mumbai will conduct tests to check for diseases such as leukaemia and lymphoma, which are both cancers of the white blood cells. They will also check for sickle cell disease, haemophilia, or deep vein thrombosis.

While each is treatable, failure to diagnose or treat them will aggravate your health, leading to worse complications.

9. Can Haematologists Provide Treatment for Cancer?

Haematology concentrates on all blood-related issues, including malignant and non-malignant complications.

So, yes, when a haematologist can work with an oncologist after diagnosing any cancer-related illness for more specialized care. Medical advances allow one to specialize in both fields and become a haematologist oncologist, whose work is to treat blood cancers.

10. How Does a Hematologist Diagnose Bleeding Disorders?

Bleeding disorders incorporate any bleeding that lasts longer than seven days or interferes with everyday activities such as school or work. They may cause too much bleeding during or after injury or surgical procedures.

A haematologist will conduct screening tests to evaluate if the blood is clotting as it should. Clotting factor tests indicate the severity of the bleeding disorder.

11. What Medical Conditions Can Be Treated by a Hematopathologist?

A haematologist focuses on all blood-related illnesses and disorders. These include:

  • Anemia or low blood cell count

  • Sickle cell disease that causes malfunctioning red blood cells

  • Deep vein thrombosis/ blood clots

  • Sepsis, which is an acute reaction to infection

  • Hemophilia, a genetic blood clotting condition

  • Leukemia, lymphoma, or multiple myeloma ( bone marrow, lymph node, or white blood cell cancer)

12. Can Haematologists Treat Aplastic Anaemia

Yes, they can.

Aplastic anaemia develops due to bone marrow damage and causes the body to stop producing adequate new blood cells. As a result, it causes fatigue, dizziness, nausea, easy bruising, and blood in the stool.

A haematologist will examine you based on your medical and family history. Diagnostic tests will include the complete blood count, reticulocyte count, and bone marrow tests.

After that, they will recommend blood transfusions, stem cell transplants, immunosuppressants, bone marrow stimulants, or antibiotics to fight infections.