

Understanding Different Types Of Heart Diseases

By Dr. Lekha Pathak in Heart Institute

Apr 24 , 2023 | 3 min read

Increasing cases of heart-related diseases have become a matter of concern nowadays. Such diseases are a result of stress, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating practices. The best cardiologist in Mumbai often advise to follow healthy lifestyle practices like performing regular exercises and maintaining a proper diet.

Facts Library

  1. India has witnessed an alarming rise in heart disease and stroke by over 50% from 1990 to 2016.
  2. They together contributed to 28·1% of total deaths in India in 2016 compared with 15·2% in 1990- a startling rise of 12.9%.
  3. There is an increase of 2.88 cores in the prevalent cases of cardiovascular diseases from the year 1990 to the year 2016.
  4. More than 50% of the total cardiovascular disease deaths were beheld in people younger than 70 years.

The above-increased numbers cannot be ignored but can be decreased by two ways; 1) if every individual from the beginning remains self- conscious about his/her health 2) by getting treated immediately. Top heart hospitals in Mumbai provide an expert team of doctors who use advanced technology and the latest equipment to treat common to complex heart diseases.

In this blog, we will be going to explain the heart diseases and its various types with an aim to create awareness. We consider that this information is essential for you to know so that you take a well-informed and timely decision.

Well defining heart disease, it is a term that covers a wide array of issues related to the heart.

Types of Heart Diseases

  • Congenital Heart Disease

Heart deformities present since birth. They include:

Septal defect

Also known as a ventricular septal defect, it is a hole in the heart which is present between two chambers. It is a birth defect that affects your breathing process.

Obstruction defects

It is a condition where the blood flow is hindered or sometimes totally blocked through various chambers of the heart.

  • Arrhythmia

When your heart beats too fast or too slow or do not follow a single pattern of beating

Tachycardia- when your heart rhythms are too fast

Bradycardia- when the heart rhythms are too slow

Fibrillation- when the heart rhythms are irregular

The heartbeat following the irregular pattern can damage the heart and that’s why best doctors often advise to get immediately treated.

  • Coronary Artery Disease

In this, the arteries become narrow enough which hinders the supply blood and oxygen to the heart muscles.

  • Myocardial Infarction

Commonly known as a heart attack, myocardial infarction is the result of decreased or stopped blood flow in one part of the heart. Its symptoms include chest pain, or discomfort in the shoulder, arm, back, neck or jaw.

  • Heart Failure

Heart Failure can be defined as a medical condition when the heart is unable to pump adequate blood that could meet the body needs. Coronary heart disease or high blood pressure are certain conditions that can result in heart failure.

Is Self-Maintenance a Key Solution?

Healthy lifestyle modifications can help you to maintain yourself. These little changes will not only keep your heart healthy but will prevent you from other diseases as well.

4 Points That Will Help You to Remain Healthy:

  1. Exercise regularly
  2. Practice healthy eating habits
  3. Maintain a healthy body weight
  4. Replace saturated with unsaturated fat

Nanavati Max super speciality hospital is one of the best hospitals in India where doctors treat a wide spectrum of heart diseases aiming at your care, convenience and cure.

Medically Reviewed

Dr. Lekha Pathak (HOD - Cardiology)

Dr. Lekha Pathak is the Head and Senior Consultant, Heart Institute at Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital and one of India's foremost intervention cardilogists. She is an alumnus of prestigious Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom and American College of Cardiology, USA and International Union of Angiology, Portugal. Former president APJ Abdul Kalam presented Dr Pathak with a Life Time Achievement Award for an outstanding contribution in the field of Cardiology.