

Indian Association of Hyperthermic Oncology and Medicine

Heat as a therapeutic modality had its origin in India of the yore when India was the cradle for therapeutic innovations.

Heat as a therapeutic modality had its origin in India of the yore when India was the cradle for therapeutic innovations. Harnessing heat for treatment of cancer and other disease has been reported in early treatise in Medicine from India and Egypt . India didn’t join the excitement of Hyperthermic Oncology which reached its peak in the eighties and nineties. This was partly due to lack o awareness and technology. There is a thaw in the rigid mindsets, besides, a renewed interest in hyperthermic oncology in India. Availability of technology of heating in our country has stirred the imagination of oncologists.This conference will showcase the work done so far in India, both from bench and clinics. Experts from overseas will share their knowledge, while, creating consortiums for further research and innovations. Hyperthermic Oncology will be discussed while you soak in the splendour of Mumbai.

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