Dr. Harshad Parekh
Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai
Experience: 34+ Years
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About Dr. Harshad Parekh
34 yrs of work experience
- 1st march 1993 till date senior lecturer GMC & JJ group[ hospital
- 1989 -1990- senior lecturer in neurosurgery GMC & JJ group[ hospital
- 1987 registrar in neurosurgery at GMC & JJ group[ hospital
- 1986-87- senior house officer in neurosurgery GMC & JJ group[ hospital
- 1985-86- registrar in general surgery at P.N. hinduja national hospital , Mumbai.
Over sea experience
- 1990 observer in neurosurgery royal preston hospital UK
- 1990-1992 Registrar in neurosurgery at royal preston hospital UK
- MBBS-1981,
- MS. (Gen Surgery)1984,
- M. Ch. Neurosurgery 1988
- Gold medal by Nagpur university; highest marks in ophthalmology 1980
- Awarded prize by Indira Gandhi medical college for standing first rank and securing highest marks in final MBBS
- Scholarship by Bombay university during neurosurgical training.
Minimally Invasive and Mircorsurgery for Skull Base & Spine
Chronic intracerebral haematoma stimulating as abscess. Dorsal canal stenosis: a rare cause of compressive myelopathy. Cerebral aneurysms in identical twins. Ossified ligamentum flavum in Caucasian. Multifocal giant cell glioblastoma.extradural pyogenic granuloma masquerading as an acute transverse myelitis