Dr. Avinash Walawalkar
Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai
Experience: 29+ Years
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About Dr. Avinash Walawalkar
- 29 yrs of work experience
- 1985 - 87 resident house physician dept. of medicine Dr. B. Nanavati Max Hospital
- 1987 - 88 resident house physician dept. of pediatrics Dr. B. Nanavati Max Hospital
- 1988 - 89 registrar dept. of pediatrics Dr. B. Nanavati Max Hospital
- Clinical assistant dept. of pediatrics Dr. B. Nanavati Max Hospital
- Assistant pediatrician dept. of pediatrics Dr. B. Nanavati Max Hospital
- Special coarse on neonatal ventilation therapy PGI Chandigarh
- Consultant neonatologist & pediatrician dept. of pediatrician Lilavati Hospital
- MBBS - 1984
- DCH - 1989
- DNB - 1994